Meet The Team – Scott Lancaster

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We sat down with Scott Lancaster, who explained in depth about his Microsoft Dynamics specialisation and shared with us his learnings from his extensive 6 year career so far. 

Hi Scott, what’s  your role at Method? 

 I specialise in recruitment in the Dynamics 365 space Australia wide, this includes all D365 CE, D365 F&O and D365 Business Central. 


Why did you choose your specialisation?  

I’ve always worked in Microsoft recruitment and still felt that was too big of an area to specialise in so I wanted to narrow it down. Last year during COVID I noticed that Dynamics was an area where a lot of projects were getting put on hold, so I knew they all had to come back on at some point (as everyone will eventually need to upgrade to D365). This, coupled with the fact that Microsoft have made D365 one of their main growth areas this year made it a no brainer that it was going to be in for a huge year in this space… and so far I have been right! 


Why do you think specialising is so important? 

 I can honestly say over the last 6 years of my recruitment career this is the first time I have properly specialised and found my niche and I am getting the best results I have ever had. Out of the last 5 placements I have placed, 4 of them were candidates I have had on my radar for 6 months or more. I also think that only working with 1 technology stack means you get to know a lot more about it and become more credible. 


What’s  the best thing about your role?  

 It’s hard to choose the one best thing about working at Method but I have narrowed it down to two. Firstly, the culture that Ben, Steve, Greg and Martha have created is second to none. I worked for a couple of brilliant recruitment firms back in the UK and was unsure if I would find anywhere that good to work in Australia, turns out I have found somewhere even better!  


Secondly, the people. What a good bunch we have. There is a stereotypical “recruiter” type that often puts people off working in the industry and I can honestly say there isn’t a single person like that at Method. Loads of people who work hard, have great motivation to do well and also have a laugh and really care about each other. 


What advice would you give your younger self, starting out in your career?  

This ties back into my earlier answers, but I would definitely tell my younger self to specialise from the start of my career. For too long I was spreading myself thin over lots of different roles/technologies and I was a jack of all trades, master of none. I don’t believe you can offer true value to a client unless you know your market inside out. 


If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

A Wigan Kebab –  


Get in touch with  Scott Lancaster to talk more about recruiting high quality D365  professionals to your team, or if you are in the Dynamics space and looking for your next move, please reach out.   

Learn more about Scott Lancaster