Meet The Team – Christopher Burrill

We sat down for a quick coffee break with Christopher Burrill, who talked about recruiting roles in the US and his surprising second language. 


Hi Chris. What’s your role at Method? 

I work as a Talent Manager in the Finance Team. I specialise in the areas of Retail, FMCG and Manufacturing. 


What’s the best thing about your role?  

I really love sourcing quality candidates for jobs. When I come across someone that would be perfect for a role I’m recruiting for – I love developing a strong rapport with that individual and being as helpful as I possibly can be in preparing them for the recruitment process. If they can enter the interview stages with minimal nerves and feeling confident that they’re going to nail the interview, that’s already a win in my books. 


What’s a recent moment you’re most proud of? 

I’ve been working some roles based in the US and have absolutely loved connecting with candidates on the other side of the planet. I enjoyed it so much that I managed to fill 7 positions within my first month of working the roles! 


If you had to choose 1 Method value, which one do you think you embody the most? 

Passion. The sense of accomplishment I get after a successful placement goes well beyond any monetary benefit or reputation build for myself. Knowing that I have found the right person for my client. As well as finding a great new opportunity for my candidate, truly gives me the ultimate buzz! 


What advice would you give your younger self, starting out in your career?  

I would argue that I still am at the beginning of my career (at least in recruitment)! Nonetheless, I would probably tell myself to just keep being myself. In past roles I have felt pressured to carry myself ways that are not true to who I am. However as a recruiter (especially in a firm as wonderful as Method) I have let my true personality shine through from day 1. And it has continued to serve me very well. 


How many languages do you speak? 

Two languages comfortably. English as my mother tongue and Bahasa Indonesia, which I learnt in my ‘second home’ of Jakarta where I spent most of my upbringing.  

Get in touch with Christopher Burrill to talk more about recruiting top Finance professionals to your team. Also, get in touch if you’re a Financial/Management Accountant looking for your next move in the Finance sector.

Learn more about Christopher Burrill